Monday, February 4, 2008

Gorilla Bars

Setting: Red Fish Lake, Stanley, Idaho
In Attendance: Family
Activity: Hiking

My husband Damon, fiance' at the time, bravely attended a camping trip with my entire family for the first time. We went on several hikes during this trip but one will stand out for all time and eternity to Damon and I. Damon wore the all covetous pack with the snacks in it, filled with licorice, granola bars, fruit roll-ups and etc. So needless to say my nieces and nephews were like ducks in a row behind him. The hike was a success. No one was lost or hurt and everyone had a great time. What made this hike memorable was due to my nephew Egan. Part way into the hike he couldn't handle it any longer. He had to have a snack..."Damon, Damon can I have a gorilla bar?" From that moment on granola bars have been dubbed "gorilla bars" and known as nothing else!

Gorilla bars are a staple at our house. They come in so many different varieties and nutricional values, the selection is limitless. Our other staple during outdoor adventures is licorice. Not full of healthy calories but yummy and perfect packability. If where we are going is close to home we pack our own lunches. One tip* if you make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches be sure to put them in a small tupperwear before putting them in a backpack. Otherwise it will end up being mashed, unrecognizable pb&j, that no one will eat. The same goes for yougurt...yes, even though it already has a lid...believe me.

In my opinion nothing is better than fresh fruit after spending time outside. I can still taste that grapefruit I peeled in the parking lot of Targhee after a great morning of snowboarding, the apple after one hour of snowshoe worthy switchbacks while in search of a frozen waterfall up Darby Canyon and the peach looking over Union Falls after a good 8 miles.
I'm a little bit plain Jane when it comes to what I eat on outdoor retreats. We usually take the same stuff every time, but I guess that's because it's what works. I would love some more ideas though.

If you have any idea's on packable yummy snacks, that are kid friendly, let me and the rest of the world know. Leave a comment.


Becca said...

I like to slice apples up and take a small tupperware of peanut butter--it's a great protein/carb boost, and my kids love having something to "dip." Just don't forget the water to wash the PB down!